From: Shnayer Z. Leiman Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 22:57:05 -0500 (EST) Subject: Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin Reflections on the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin 1. What the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin --at the hands of a religious Jew-- "proved" to the world was that fundamentalist Judaism is no different than fundamentalist Islam, and that Jewish terrorism is no different than Gentile terrorism. The world learned that, ultimately, Jewish teaching makes no difference. This was the enormous and dreadful -hillul ha-shem-(desecration of the Name) perpetrated by Yigal Amir's tragic act of violence. The act itself, and the -hillul ha-shem- it engendered, can only rend Jewish hearts asunder. The pain is great and "-as es tut vey muz min schreien-" (when suffering pain, one feels compelled to cry out). 2. The claim that this was the act of a lunatic is, at once, self-serving, ludicrous, and dangerous. It is self-serving, of course, for it is a claim designed to absolve Orthodoxy of responsibility for a deed perpetrated by one of its own. It is ludicrous, in part, because one can cry "wolf" only so many times. Institutional Orthodoxy already staked out this claim in order to distance itself from the Baruch Goldstein massacre. How many murderers must Orthodoxy produce before it will be persuaded that there is a growing cancer in its midst that needs to be treated, rather than a lunatic or two that can safely be ignored? Indeed, to ignore recent events is to invite more of the same. More importantly, Goldstein and Amir attended, among other institutions, Yeshiva of Flatbush, Yeshiva University, Yeshiva Kerem B'Yavneh, and Bar Ilan University. Before the fact, no one at any of the aforementioned institutions imagined that either Goldstein or Amir was a lunatic. It is dangerous because clearly we live in a climate that produces and arms Goldsteins and Amirs --and this is a problem that needs to be addressed, not ignored. Surely, the beginning of any solution to a problem is the recognition that the problem exists. 3. Rav Amital (reported in MJ 21:96, November 13, 1995) noted the links connecting the Goldstein massacre and Rabin's assassination. He judiciously cited a Midrash which, in the report published in MJ (and, subsequently, in the November 1995 issue of -Hamevaser-), appeared in truncated form without a reference. This passage, in -Seder Eliyahu Rabbah-, chapter 26, edition M. Friedmann, Jerusalem, 1960, p. 140 (and parallels), is particularly relevant and we present it in its entirety in English translation (in general, see: W.G. Braude and I.J. Kapstein, -Tanna Debe Eliyyahu: The Lore of the School of Elijah-, Jewish Publication Society: Philadelphia, 1981; the translation presented here veers, where warranted, from Braude and Kapstein): -You shall love the Lord Your G-d- (Deut. 6:5), that is, you should cause the Name of Heaven to be loved by mankind. Take care of how you manage your business affairs, how you walk about in the marketplace, and how you deal with other human beings. Regarding a person who reads Scripture and recites Mishnah, and is careful about how he manages his business affairs, how he walks about in the marketplace, and how he deals with other human beings, people who witness his activity say about him: "Blessed is So-and-so who studies Torah! Woe unto my father who did not teach me Torah! Look how pleasant are his deeds, how beautiful are his ways! Indeed, let us go and study Torah, and teach our children Torah." Thus, through such a man, the Name of Heaven is sanctified. When, however, a person reads Scripture and recites Mishnah, but is not careful about how he manages his business affairs, how he walks about in the marketplace, and how he deals with other human beings, people who witness his activity say about him: "Woe unto So-and-so who studies Torah! Blessed is my father who did not teach me Torah! So-and-so who studies Torah, look how wicked are his deeds, how corrupt are his ways! Indeed, let us not study Torah, and let us not teach our children Torah." Thus, through such a man, the Name of Heaven is desecrated. The Torah was not given to desecrate, but rather to sanctify His great Name, as it is said: -[G-d] said to me: You are my servant, Israel, through whom I am glorified- (Is. 49:3). The Sages derived from this: A man must distance himself from theft, whether from Jew or Gentile, or anyone in the marketplace. One who steals from a Gentile will ultimately steal from a Jew. One who defrauds a Gentile will ultimately defraud a Jew. One who swears falsely to a Gentile will ultimately swear falsely to a Jew. one who lies to a Gentile will ultimately lie to a Jew. One who sheds the blood of a Gentile will ultimately shed the blood of a Jew. But the Torah was not given to desecrate, but rather to sanctify His great Name. ------------- None of us can forget the deafening silence that best characterizes Orthodoxy's response to the Goldstein massacre. Rabbis Amital and Lichtenstein were among the few rabbinic leaders in Israel courageous enough to condemn the massacres forcefully, unequivocally, and with alacrity. Must it take courage, then, for a rabbi in Israel to condemn the shedding of innocent Gentile blood? And while institutional Orthodoxy in the United States offered mostly perfunctory condemnations, distancing themselves from the horror, nary a public word was heard from the leading Torah authorities, whether hasidic rebbe, rosh yeshiva, or member of the Mo'ezet Gedolei Ha-Torah of Agudat Yisrael. (It is ideed gratifying to note, as these words are being penned [November 24, 1995], that the Mo'ezet Gedolei ha-Torah of Agudat Yisrael --in an ad on the Op-Ed page of today's -New York Times-, labelled the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin as "an act of murder, a grievous sin that calls for unequivocal condemnation.") The passage from the Midrash cited above was reduced to writing between 1000 and 2000 years ago. It could have been written yesterday. 4. Torah teaching consists of a configuration of values. These values include, among many others, loving our neighbor, aiding the needy, pursuit of peace, sanctity of the land of Israel, and sanctity of life. An individual Jewish soul may resonate to a particular Jewish value, but no Jew --committed to Torah teaching-- is free to reject a Torah value out of hand. Nor may a Jew --committed to Torah teaching-- declare than one particular value is the over-riding value against which all others are judged, found wanting, and rejected. Much of halakhic and Jewish moralistic literature is devoted to a careful balancing of Jewish values, taking into account rules and regulations governing prioriyies in Jewish practice, and the different circumstances that may call for a reordering of priorities. To the best of my knowledge, nowhere in all of rabbinic literature is it ever suggested that one mitzvah or one value (not even: -pikuah nefesh-[the saving of life]) always and in all circumstances over-rides all the other mitzvot and values. (True, we find that the Sages taught: "The obligation to settle in the land of Israel is as weighty as all the other mitzvot of the Torah [Tosefta Avodah Zarah 4:3, ed. Zuckermandel, p. 466]. They said the same, however, about such commandments as the Sabbath [j. Berakhot 1:5], circumcision [b. Nedarim 32a], and fringes [b. Menahot 43b]. Whatever the import of these rabbinic pronouncements, the fact that the same formula was applied to at least four different mitzvot suggests that the Sages never intended for any one of these to always and in all circumstances over-ride all other mitzvot and values. In any event, even a cursory reading of the halakhic portions of the Talmud indicates that, in fact, none of these over-rides all other mitzvot and values.) Whoever makes such a claim, and most specifically regarding the exchange of territory for peace (i.e., that the Torah ban against relinquishing territory from the land of Israel to non-Jews over-rides all other mitzvot and values and, if necessary, justifies the taking of innocent life), introduces a new and skewed Torah, one that the Tannaim, Amoraim, Geonim, Rishonim, and Aharonim would not have recognized. Indeed, any such claim introduces into Judaism a form of idolatry, the worship of one mitzvah, selected by the claimant, rather than the belief in one G-d who, through Moses, gave Israel a Torah with a multiplicity of mitzvot. 5. -Upon the testimony of two witnesses shall a matter be established-(Deut. 19:15). a. In an essay published in -Hamevaser-(November 1995, p.8), Rabbi Menachem Genack testifies regarding the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's position on the exchange of territory for peace (similar testimony appears in Rabbi Mayer Twersky's profound and eloquent essay on the Rabin assassination in the same issue of -Hamevaser-): "In 1967, shortly after the Six Day War, the Rav, before an audience exceeding a thousand people, declared the appropriate forum to discuss and decide issues concerning the return of territories was not rabbinical conferences issuing responsa. That, in his opinion, was laughable. After all, the issue facing Israel was its security. Simply put, if giving back territories would enhance the security of Israel, then the territories should be relinquished. On the other hand, if giving back territories would diminish the security of Israel, then the territories must be retained. The resolution of such an issue must necessarily be left to military men and people involved in geopolitics. To be sure, the security arguments on either side of the current debate are substantial, and what the Rav's opinion would be on that topic at this point in time is not for me to divine. But one thing is clear: he felt it was wrong to drape the issue in theological terms. While we need a messianic vision, it is exceedingly dangerous to live a messianic existence prematurely." b. Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, former Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, in a halakhic responsum addressing the issue of exchanging territory for peace ("The Relinquishing of Territory of the Land of Israel in order to Save Life," [Hebrew] -Torah Shebe'al Peh- 31[1990]11-25, concluded as follows: "The upshot of our discussion is: If it is established beyond doubt that genuine peace between us and our Arab neighbors will result from yielding the territories to them, and if --in contrast-- threat of an immediate war would obtain if we refuse to yield the territories to them, then we should relinquish the territories, for nothing [in this category of halakhah --SZL] can over-ride the obligation to save life. A judgment about such matters requires careful deliberation, and can be decided only after an authoritative, agreed upon position is issued by military and political analysts expert in security matters. Then one can proceed and act in accordance with Torah teaching." Other contemporary rabbinic figures support the views of Rabbis Soloveitchik and Yosef; still other contemporary rabbinic figures disagree sharply with their assessment and prohibit the exchange of territories for peace in no uncertain halakhic terms. My purpose here is not to take a stance on this incredibly complex issue, regarding which I have no competence whatever. Indeed, it may well turn out that on security grounds alone territories presently under consideration for exchange should not and, therefore, may not be returned. This would be a determination, however, that could only be initiated by military and geopolitical experts. But what needs to be noted here is that no one can claim that the Torah speaks in only one voice on this matter. No one can claim that the Torah teaches univocally that territories can never be exchanged for peace, indeed, as no one can claim that it univocally permits or mandates such an exchange. If we could only remember that the Torah teaches a configuration of values, and speaks in many voices, perhaps humility will replace arrogance before decisions are made about the taking of innocent life. 6. The introspection thrust upon us by these momentous events applies to all Jews, whether secular or religious, whether in Israel or in the Diaspora, whether Zionist or anti-Zionist, whether Hasidic or Mitnagdic. "Every Jew is a unique limb, a part of that sacred and awesome body known as -Knesset Yisrael-, the Community of Israel in its fullest sense" (Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ha-Kohen Kook, letter to the editor of -Ha-Hed-, 1934). When we engage in internecine strife, we destroy ourselves, and risk destroying Knesset Yisrael. No one can stand idly by when the stakes are so high. Secular Jewry can hardly take solace in the fact that blood now stains the hands of religious Jewry. Sadly, rape and murder are daily occurrences even in Israel; the perpetrators are hardly ever (if at all) from Me'ah She'rim, Sha'arey Hesed, Bayit Vegan, or Har Nof. The misplaced rage, and the collective guilt placed on the shoulders of religious Jewry brings no glory to secular Jewry. How quickly secular Jewry has forgotten the enormous contribution of religious Zionism to the Israeli army, culture, and economy! The scapegoating and disdain issuing forth from secularist circles needs to be replaced by understanding and tolerance; secular Jewry would do well to examine its roots and its rhetoric, with focus on virtue rather than vice. Religious Jewry, on the other hand, must own up to the fact that Goldstein and Amir were G-d-fearing Jews, suffused with the Torah teaching they imbibed at some of the finest religious educational institutions in the United States and Israel. It is not enough to say they were provoked by Rabin's policies. Who were their teachers? What were they taught? May any rabbi decide a life and death issue? With what self-confidence can a rabbi (if there is any truth to such rumors) distort the concepts of -rodef- and -moser-, wrench them from their halakhic contexts, and apply them to a democratically elected government of Israel? Where does religious Jewry's accountability begin in such matters, and where shall it end? Is this a problem that needs to be investigated by the Council of Rabbanei Yesha'? Should the Chief Rabbinate of Israel be monitoring these matters? -Gedolei Yisrael-? Is every Jew obligated to raise his/her voice --if need be-- until matters are set aright? Religious Jewry will need to understand that it holds no monopoly on deciding Israel's defensive needs and establishing its borders. Visions of peace differ considerably among Israelis, and the willingness to take risks for peace may differ as well. Must an enthusiastic young settler in Hevron, a yeshivah graduate recently arrived from the United States, when confronted by a die-hard secular Zionist (who participated, and lost two sons, in previous Israeli-Arab wars, and is committed to taking risks for peace [i.e., to the exchange of territory for peace] so that his grandchildren need not spend endless years in the army and -millu'im-), inform him that the Torah mandates otherwise, and insist on imposing his view on the secular Zionist against his will? Did not King Solomon (see 1 Kings 9:11) relinquish 20 villages from the land of Galilee and present them as gifts to Hiram, king of Tyre? Neither Scripture nor the Sages had an unkind word for Solomon in this matter. How over-riding is the mitzvah of -yishuv eretz yisrael-? Or the mitzvah of -lo tehannem-(Deut. 7:2; cf. Maimonides' -Code-, Sefer Madda, hilkhot Avodah Zarah 10:3-6)? Does anyone really believe, now that Jews are empowered in Israel, that all Christian churches in Israel should be closed and the land they rest on be restored to Jews? How come from 1948 to 1967 no recognized -gadol be-yisrael- demanded that the Israeli armed forces take the Old City of Jerusalem, much less Hevron? Clearly, international politics, security considerations, and a host of other factors including -yosher-, common sense, and the consensus of the Israeli people color Israeli policy. Ultimate decisions in such matters can be made only by Israelis --their collective lives are on the line-- and in democratic fashion. I raise the questions listed above, not because I am unaware of some of the answers (having spent hours, even days and nights, examining the texts and the various explanations of the -rishonim- and -aharonim-), but rather precisely in order to underscore the complexity of these issues. That so many can speak with certitude on such matters, worse yet, that anyone could glibly decide that innocent life can be taken in order to advance this cause, boggles the mind as it depresses the heart. Surely, certitude must give way to humility, and it must begin at the top, i.e, among our rabbinic leadership. 7. Finally, introspection must lead to reconciliation between religious and secular Jewry. Dissent must be tolerated, not shouted down by either side. Human dignity must be restored by those who would take it away from us. Perhaps we need to focus more on shared values, on what we have in common, rather than on what separates us. No one did this better than Rabbi Abraham Isaac Ha-Kohen Kook. Would that we could restore his pre-1967 image, and lay to rest the revisionist image of Rav Kook that was created in the post-1967 era! -Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peaceful-(Prov. 3:17). The ways of Torah are pleasant and peaceful when all its paths are explored. When one path is elevated above all others, and the other paths neglected, the Torah becomes distorted and its ways may no longer be pleasant or peaceful. Torah Jewry needs to reexamine all its texts, live by them, and persuade by acts of lovingkindness and by disseminating a teaching that enlightens, enriches, and ultimately captivates. Shnayer Z. Leiman